Mic's Show Pics Mic takes Best of Breed at the
Santa Barbara Kennel Club, August 28th, 2010
under Judge Mr. Stanley S. Saltzman.
Mic was expertly and graciously handled
by Marianne Caprino. Mic takes Best in Sweeps at
the Orange Coast Boxer Club! Mic won Best Puppy at the ABC puppy match May 5th,
2008 under Judge Tony Louwerse. He was handled to this win by
Cindy Crawford. (Mic is pictured above with
Beth Pariseau in Cindy's absence.)
Mic goes on to take 2nd from
the 6-9 Brindle Dog Class at the ABC National
Specialty under Judge Mrs. Janet Sinclair. He was handled to this win by
Cindy Crawford. Mic takes WD at the Simi Valley
KC, Inc. January 2008